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Esco Holds Successful End-user Seminar in the City of Sails

Hits:41   Date: 12/6/2016
Auckland, New Zealand – The series of Pharmacy Compounding and Innovation Technology seminar continues as TaPestle Rx, an Esco Healthcare division, conducted a successful seminar at Ellerlsie, Auckland City last November 22, 2016. This is a joint activity between Esco and Bio-Strategy – Esco’s prime distributor in New Zealand. 
Mr. Lester Sotelo, Product Specialist of TaPestle Rx,
serves as speaker of the seminar regarding Innovation Technology.
The program was opened by the Bio-Strategy Product Manager, Mr. Gareth Pryme. Mark Lester Sotelo, a product specialist of Esco Pharma served as the seminar’s speaker. He talked about Pharmacy Compounding and Standards followed, Isolator Technology, and Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs.
The participants who come from various Pharmacy fields expressed how much they find the topic on isolators to be very interesting. A representative from New Zealand’s Blood Bank Center also attended the seminar and has expressed much interest in Esco’s isolators.
It was a great day filled with insightful interactions. The participants even admired Esco’s seminar kit and was surprised to see Dr. Einesco (Esco’s plush toy) as a freebie.
To all the participants and our colleagues from Bio-Strategy who helped organize this event, thank you and kudos to a job well done.
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