Purification is recommended for all oligos greater than 40 bases in length and for many modified oligos. For demanding applications such as multiplex PCR, cloning, mutagenesis or antisense/RNAi methods, additional purification will significantly improve oligonucleotide performance. Purified oligos up to 60 bases with a purity guarantee receive QC by capillary electrophoresis (CE). The traces are available online in your account order history.
Guaranteed yields for purified, unmodified oligos 20 to 50 bases in length. Purity and yield guarantees may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
100 nmole |
250 nmole |
1 µmole |
5 µmole |
10 µmole |
PAGE Purification |
1 OD |
2 ODs |
10 ODs |
50 ODs |
100 ODs |
HPLC Purification |
1 OD |
4 ODs |
20 ODs |
100 ODs |
200 ODs |
IE-HPLC Purification |
1 OD |
4 ODs |
20 ODs |
100 ODs |
200 ODs |
RNase-Free HPLC Purification |
1 OD |
4 ODs |
20 ODs |
100 ODs |
200 ODs |
Dual HPLC Purification |
1 OD |
2 ODs |
10 ODs |
50 ODs |
100 ODs |
Dual PAGE & HPLC |
0.5 OD |
1 OD |
5 ODs |
25 ODs |
50 ODs |
PAGE Purification
PAGE obtains extremely high purity, especially for unmodified oligos and Ultramer® oligos. PAGE purification is strongly recommended for oligos over 60 bases in length. For unmodified oligos, purity of >90% is routinely achieved. Purity may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
HPLC Purification
HPLC is well suited to purify any modified oligo or unmodified sequences up to 60 bases in length. Purity of > 85% is routinely achieved. Purity may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
Ion-exchange HPLC (IE-HPLC) is available to purify long DNA oligos. For unmodified oligos, purity of > 85% is routinely achieved. Purity may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
For the most demanding applications, IDT offers Dual HPLC Purification and Dual PAGE and HPLC Purification. These methods result in oligos of the highest possible purity. Dual HPLC purification is used to purify Dual‑Labeled Probes and Molecular Beacons with NHS Ester modifications. Purity may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
RNase-Free HPLC Purification
Originally developed for isolating RNA oligos, RNase-Free HPLC Purification has been extended to DNA oligos for use when there is a high sensitivity to ribonucleases. RNase-Free HPLC purification is carefully performed in an RNase‑free environment; reagents, equipment and lab surfaces are monitored for RNase contamination using the RNaseAlert® system.
Guaranteed yields for purified, unmodified oligos 20 to 50 bases in length. Purity and yield guarantees may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.