Pribolab® Multifunction Derivatization System helps to extend the application range of HPLC and has been widely used in the field of environment protection, clinical, pharmaceutical, food and feed industry
Pribolab is a superior supplier that focusing on the development of the mycotoxin products and technical solutions service. Until now, the products line comprehensively covering mycotoxins, food allergens, GMOs, pesticide and drug residues and illegal addictives, etc. The products especially mycotoxin testing series, such as liquid/solid standards, fully 13C isotope labeled standards, immunoaffinity columns, multifunction cleanup columns, ELISA kits and the corresponding equipments and instruments are widely applied in food safety area.
Pribolab is always making efforts to supply superior products that helps to get precision testing results, persisting on the product upgrading and technical innovation, and struggling to build a world-renowned brand.