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free cysteine analysis
free cysteine analysis
Place of Origin:
United States
MtoZ Biolabs
  • Product Detail
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    Disulfide bond is essential for protein molecules to maintain the correct advanced structure and maintain protein bioactivity. The distribution of disulfide bonds in antibody drugs is a direct structural characteristic of the drugs. Therefore, confirmation of disulfide bonds plays a very important role in the confirmation process of antibody drug structure. MtoZ Biolabs has developed a high-resolution mass spectrometry, coupled with pLink-SS software, to provide our customers with accurate analysis of disulfide bonds and free cysteines. Our sample preparation steps have also been optimized to prevent in vitro exchange of disulfide bonds, and maintain native structure. 

    Application of Disulfide Bond Analysis
    (1) Identification of the number of disulfide bonds in the biopharmaceuticals and free cysteines
    (2) Identification of the position of disulfide bonds in the biopharmaceuticals

    Visit free cysteine analysis for details. 


    MtoZ Biolabs is an integrate contract research organization (CRO) providing advanced proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and biopharmaceutical analysis services to researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology, and biopharmaceutical fields. The name of MtoZ represents “mass to charge ratio” in mass spectrometry analysis, as most of our services are provided based on our well-established mass spectrometry platforms. Our services allow for the rapid and efficient development of research projects, including protein analysis, proteomics, and metabolomics programs.

    MtoZ Biolabs is specialized in quantitative multiplexed proteomics and metabolomics applications through the establishment of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms, coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography technology. We are committed to developing efficient, and effective tools for addressing core bioinformatics problems. With a continuing focus on quality, MtoZ Biolabs is well equipped to help you with your needs in proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and biopharmaceutical research. Our ultimate aim is to provide more rapid, high-throughput, and cost-effective analysis, with exceptional data quality and minimal sample.

    Contact Us:
    Email: marketing@mtoz-biolabs.com

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