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Structural Biology 2017: New Cool Methods and Hot New Structures

Hits:2605   Date: 12/20/2016
9th International Conference on Structural Biology
Structural Biology is the field of research which mainly focuses on determination of 3D structures of macromolecules. The experimental methods of structure determination include X-ray crystallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and cryo-Electron Microscopy.  In the recent past much focus has been laid on computational techniques for structure prediction as they are time saving and cost efficient. These techniques include homology modeling, ab-initio modeling and threading. In the recent years many new structures have been determined by combination of various approaches which resulted in hybrid methods.
In order to advance the novel discoveries in the field, there is a serious need of a platform for the researchers to discuss their researches and collaborate with other scientists. Structural Biology 2017 is one such platform which aims in bringing biophysics, bioinformatics and molecular biology researchers from all over the world under a single roof, where they discuss their findings and improvements in the field. Previous meeting ‘Structural Biology 2016’ was held in New Orleans, USA during August 22-23, 2016 with a grand success. The next year event, Structural Biology 2017 is scheduled at the beautiful city Zurich, Switzerland during September 18-19, 2017.

Prominent scientists like Michael G Rossmann from Purdue University, USA; Jeffrey Skolnick from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Bi-Cheng Wang from University of Georgia, USA; Robert M Stroud from University of California, San Francisco, USA; John H. Miller, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Irena Roterman-Konieczna, Jagiellonian University, Poland, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, RIKEN Structural Biology Laboratory, Japan; gave their fruitful contributions in the form of highly informative presentations at Structural Biology 2016 and made the conference a huge success.
Structural Biology Conference Series promises another top notch event in 2017, the ‘9th International Conference on Structural Biology’ between September 18-19, 2017 at Zurich, Switzerland. The conference has started gathering all the top class researches from all over the globe and is looking forward for high quality scientific sessions and networking opportunities.
Everyone interested in structural biology, biophysics and biochemistry is encouraged to attend the event. Connect with our social network pages to get regular industry updates.

Program Coordinator
Structural Biology 2017
E-mail: structuralbiology@biochemconferences.org , +1 (702) 508-5200 Ext: 8033