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BIOtech 2014 Japan – 13th Int’l Bio Technology Exhibition & Conference

Hits:5807   Date: 9/30/2013

BIOtech 2014 Japan – 13th Int’l Bio Technology Exhibition & Conference

BIOtech 2014 Japan – 13th Int’l Bio Technology Exhibition & Conference
May 14-16, 2014
Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
Concurrent Show: 1st Personalised Medicine & Diagnostics Expo (IVD Japan 2014)
BIOtech Japan is Asia’s largest bio event consisting of exhibition, conference and academic forum. It gathers 650* exhibitors, 250* presentations and 15,000* visitors from the Japanese & Asian bio/pharma industry. (*expected, including the concurrent show)
Evaluated as the Asian hub of bio business, BIOtech Japan is chosen by many international companies to tap into the world’s second largest pharmaceutical market, Japan and other Asian countries.
Exhibit Zones:
     ▼  Basic/Applied Research Support Zone
     ▼  Clinical & Diagnostics Zone
     ▼  Bio-imaging Zone
     ▼  Nano-bio/Fine Processing Zone
     ▼  Contract Services Zone
     ▼  Biopharmaceutical Development Area
     ▼  iPS/ES Cell Research Area
Visitor Profile:
     ▼  Researchers from Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
     ▼  Researchers from Cosmetics, Food Manufacturers
     ▼  Researchers from Universities, Research Institutes
     ▼  Lab Technicians, Researchers from Medical Institutions and Testing/Inspection Centers
For Further Enquiries:
Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
18F Shinjuku-Nomura Bldg., 1-26-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0570, Japan
T | +81 3 3349 8518
F | +81 3 3349 8530
E | biotech@reedexpo.co.jp
W| www.bio-t.jp/en/