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Taiwan's first and ONLY biologics and vaccines focused meeting platform!

Hits:4171   Date: 7/31/2012

Biologics World Taiwan 2012Biologics World Taiwan 2012

12 ovember 2012, Taipei, Taiwan

Produced and organised by IMAPAC

Taiwan's first and ONLY biologics and vaccines focused meeting platform!
Description: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif

With a strategic location, favourable economic climate, strong government support, technological leadership and a pool of world-class researchers and experts, Taiwan is poised to become an important and bright spot on the global biologic map.
The first and only IMAPAC's Biologics World Taiwan 2012 provides the ideal platform for senior decision-makers who will influence the future of Taiwan’s biologics industry. Taiwanese and international biopharmas, biotechs, CMOs, CROs and solution providers will convene to discuss strategic issues, leverage partnerships, share best practices and capitalize on the potential of Taiwan’s growing biologics industry. 
2012 topics include:

   ▲   Opportunities and challenges facing Taiwan's Biologics Industry 
   ▲   Innovation highlights: Biobetters and novel biologics development in Taiwan 
   ▲   Innovation highlights: Vaccine Development in Taiwan 
   ▲   Biomanufacturing upstream best practices 
   ▲   Biomanufacturing downstream best practices 
   ▲   Operational excellence and PAT 
   ▲   Crystalballing the future of Taiwan's biologics industry

Registration details:

   ▲   Special rate for Taiwanese Biologic Manufacturers to attend the event
   ▲   Save up to USD600
   ▲   For more details, please check this link http://www.imapac.com/index.php?page=BiologicsTaiwan2012Registration

Sponsorship or exhibition opportunities:

Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, so contact Aylene Vicmudo at
aylene.vicmudo@imapac.com or +65 6493 1597

Contact Point: Patricia Chong at
patricia.chong@imapac.com or +65 6493 1871