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Novel Drug Delivery System and Formulation China 2012 (Oct 22-24,2012 Shanghai)

Hits:529   Date: 7/6/2012
Novel Drug Delivery System and Formulation China 2012
In-depth insight into the most popular NDDS and Formulation Technology to Optimize Differentiation and Commercialization
Conference Name: Novel Drug Delivery System and Formulation China 2012
From: 22 October 2012
To: 24 October 2012
Venue: Shanghai, China
Contact number: 021-61573930,61573919
Organizer: CPhI Conferences
   The global Drug Delivery Systems market is projected to reach $196.4 billion by 2014.         
   There are over 1400 sustained/controlled release drugs worldwide.
 Global injectable drug delivery market is expected to be worth $29,981 million by 2015.
To obtain in-depth knowledge about three most promising drug delivery systems in China, which are Sustained/controlled release oral DDS, Injection DDS and Nanopartical DDS.
To listen to brilliant presentations and addresses from 25+ global speakers with high reputation in the drug industry
• To get on-spot answers to your critical business and technical challenges from 10+ Q&A sessions
To network with and 120+ decision makers from 40+ China’s pharmaceutical companies and 10+ MNCs from Asia Pacific, America, Europe, etc.
To benefit from 3+ case studies of leading pharmaceutical companies
Conference Background:
Following the huge success of NDDS China 2011, CPhI will host 2nd NDDS & Formulation China 2012 on 22-24, October in Shanghai, China.
Novel drug delivery is one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical sectors. The three most promising drug delivery systems in China are sustained/controlled release oral DDS, injection DDS and nanopartical DDS. At present there are over 1400 sustained/controlled release drugs worldwide. Sustained/controlled oral release formulation is one of the hotspots with annual increase in new product application and registration. Novel injection formulation research has also been paid much attention to. Peptide and protein depot drug delivery system, Prefilled syringes injection as well as freeze-dried injection are main products from Chinese enterprises. There are promising clinical and commercialization prospects of nanotechnology since it would improve the bioavailability of drugs when applied to oral drug delivery system and injection delivery system.
China’s drug delivery system and formulation research level lags behind but with great potential. China National 12th Five-Year Plan for Key New Drug R&D Projects has set Novel Drug Delivery System as a key development trend. How to realize product differentiation and enhance the research and commercialization level by making use of the latest drug delivery system and formulation strategy has become an urgent problem for pharmaceutical companies to solve.
NDDS China 2012 will bring together 120+ both scientific and business leaders from drug delivery system and formulation industry to discuss and showcase latest technology and common concerns, delivering timely and valuable information and one-stop solutions regarding all above issues.
Who Should Attend
VPs, Directors, GMs, CSOs, CTOs and Heads of:
R&D                                                               • Innovator Pharma Manufacturers
Formulations                                              • Biopharming Manufacturers
Drug Delivery System                From    • Generic Drug Manufacturers
Product Development                              • Government and Universities Research Institute
Chemical Analysis and Testing             • Drug Delivery Technology/Platform Providers    
Marketing                                                   • CROs
Technology Transfer                               • Medical Device Suppliers
                                                                      • Ingredient, Excipients and Material Suppliers
                                                                      • Laboratory Equipment
                                                                      • Law Firms
                                                                      • Consulting Companies
Conference Structure
Pre-conference workshop
Nanopartical drug delivery system
Day One
Sustained/Controlled Release Oral Solid Formulations
Day Two
Injection Formulations
Contact Information:
DL: +86 21 6157 3913|Fax: +86 21 61577299
Addr: 9th Floor, Ciro’s Plaza, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China