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HPLC Performance Tracker Module

Hits:445   Date: 12/6/2024
FlowChrom from TESTA Analytical is an automated non-invasive, real-time monitoring system providing a continuous digital record of your HPLC system performance.

FlowChrom HPLC Performance Tracker module
While most HPLC and UHPLC are designed to operate 24/7, it is common for issues to arise when liquid chromatography systems are left unattended. In many instances, it is then difficult to understand what the source of the operating problem was and to determine when it occurred and how many HPLC separations were affected and must therefore be repeated. One of the most common problems with liquid chromatography systems is malfunction of the solvent delivery system indicating the importance of constant surveillance and tracking of HPLC pump performance.
FlowChrom is a non-invasive, real-time monitoring system able to trace and protocol the status of your HPLC solvent delivery system. Seamlessly integrating with most commercial Chromatography Data Systems – FlowChrom creates a reliable digital record ‘safety net’ confirming the validity of each and every HPLC separation you run and revealing to the operator any deviation from the planned performance.

FlowChrom - real-time integration of chromatographic and flow data
Integration of operational HPLC flow data with each and every recorded chromatogram is not only a great tool for fault diagnosis but creates a valuable digital archive of HPLC run data for those working in a regulated lab environment. Last but not least, using FlowChrom unchains separation scientists and technicians from constantly having to monitor their HPLC system performance freeing them to more productive tasks.
For further information about the FlowChrom HPLC Performance Tracker Module please visit https://testa-analytical.com/flow-chrom.html or contact TESTA Analytical on +49-30-864-24076 / info@testa-analytical.com.
TESTA Analytical Solutions is a leading specialist supplier of liquid chromatography instruments and detectors. Drawing upon over 30 years’ experience, TESTA Analytical Solutions has established itself as a respected creator and supplier of top quality, innovative, high performance liquid chromatography instrument kits, and detectors with OEM clients around the world.


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12203 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-864-24076
Email: info@testa-analytical.com 
Web: www.testa-analytical.com